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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Not coping

Hi l fell like its just getting too much now. I have too many problems like family breakdown, financial, issues, some physical health problems and my mental health. I just wonder if it's all worth it , no matter what l do l am don't make any progress in life. My l was just a failure from the start . No family to talk to any more. Think l need to go into full time care and have someone help as l can't continue much longer like this.


Re: Not coping

Hi @john74

It's always sad to hear about family breakdown and I read your other posts, it must be tough. You obviously care a lot about your kids but there seems to be a lot of blame directed at you. I know many men give their best but to have it rejected is very hard. If you can see a counselor directed at family breakdown, or call one of the crisis lines to talk to somebody urgently to help deal with the current situation that might be a good move.

Re: Not coping

  • Thanks @ justanotherguy It's extremely tough. The kids are 23 and 21. I have never been alone before l couldn't believe how much someone so close can cause so much pain for what benefit? I am told that's how controlling narcissistic people operate. They stop anyone knowing the truth .l just hope it all catches up with my ex. 

Re: Not coping

Hi @john74, I am so very sorry you are feeling this way.


It's very common to have many factors going on all at once that impact our mental health in a negative way. I can resonate with this myself in life lately and how this can make one think and feel overall.


I'm glad you've reached out here. While i know it can be very tricky to find support, i truly hope you can find it and that this support is suited to what you're needing and looking for in life right now. 


Take care, 


~ MessyMind


Re: Not coping

Hi @john74 I can relate re financial difficulties and have a lot of empathy for your situation. It isn't easy to have a lot of weight on your shoulders but to keep afloat and to keep working on recovery .


Do you have any care or support ? It is so hard to find caring people I feel. So hurtful to disclose vulnerability and not get a respectful response, but this happens a lot.


The cost of living is so rough at the moment and so hard, as well as you mentioned you have other factors to consider including your MH. Mh treatment can be so costly, even just in finding a therapist one needs to trial a few out and that costs.


I'm hoping you find this a supportive space and I stand in solidarity with you.


Re: Not coping

Thankyou @ messymind it's not easy when other people deliberately make life hard are are unaccountable for their actions. 

Re: Not coping

Hi @ Eternalflower l am trying to get some counselling but no one can help solve the problems l am facing.

Re: Not coping

Hi @john74 , I'm sorry for your situation and how hopeless you sound 😞


Just letting you know that when tagging someone, the @ will bring a drop-down box with names of people who've replied to you. You need to click on the one you want to tag them. 


@EternalFlower  @MessyMind  @justanotherguy  you have replies from @john74  above 🙂

Re: Not coping

No worries @NatureLover l don't think it worked on one reply. 

Re: Not coping

@NatureLover thank you! 🙂 

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