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I feel like I'm mentally broken tonight....really struggling 

Not applicable

Re: Broken

hey there @Loz_3647 ❤️ I can tell things are really tough for you tonight. When things aren't going great for me, I can feel pretty broken too. 


I'm glad you've reached out for some support tonight ❤️ 


Mind if I send you an email to check-in?

Re: Broken

That's ok @Former-Member 

Re: Broken


we are here for you if you like to chat 

sitting with you and @Former-Member is too 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Broken

Sitting with you tonight 💕 @Loz_3647 

Re: Broken

I hope this feeling passes soon and you can build your new self stronger than before.

Re: Broken

@Loz_3647 . I think I broke about 10 years ago. I tried many times to rebuild but someone always smashes me back down. Last week it was a friend of 30 years. It really hurts when someone you love is bluntly hurtful and onpoint.

This week I looked at myself to find a person who seems to have made so many mistakes that can't be erased. I have to live with it. I hate feeling like a loser. 

Re: Broken

Sorry to hear you're struggling, @Loz_3647. I don't have anything to offer but I just wanted to let you know we're with you and sending you all best wishes.

Re: Broken

Thank you. I don't think the people around me know how much I give (or appreciate it) or how much effort it takes me. But I am so exhausted of trying to keep going. I dont think I have it left in me to carry on. I don't even think I'd be missed if I was to go. I feel like I've put up with enough.

Re: Broken

I have been broken over and over but I don't think I can put up with it any longer. And yes it does really hurt. If only people could see how deep their words and actions hurt us.

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