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Welcome & getting started

Casual Contributor

Re: New

Thank you I am back seeing a psychologist and checking in with my gp. Working with courses online to better myself. It’s just hard to find positive thoughts with my wife and I seperated and I know I need to show her change in me and my best self

Re: New

Hello @chocks, welcome to the forums, I'm really glad you're here!


I'm sorry to hear about what you went through at work with your boss and how it has impacted your mental health, nobody should have to go through that.


Talking about the nitty gritty struggles and harder parts of life is not easy, good on you for getting on here, reaching out and taking steps in your life to address everything. That's the hardest part to overcome so you're well on your way.


I have battled anxiety amongst other things so I really relate to what you said about feeling scared about what your mind might do. It can feel like we can't trust ourselves, our emotions and our experiences when they have been tainted by a mind that tricks us. I just want you to know that it gets better, you will be able to trust yourself and your judgement again 💜


I wish you all the best for your journey .

Casual Contributor

Re: New

Thank you so much. I wish I had found more support earlier but I know I need to learn from the past not dwell on it. But sometimes it’s so hard when you think what if

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