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Casual Contributor


  • Suffering so much and would love to talk to some positive stories of persons whom have lived through such experience of depression
Not applicable

Re: Depression

heya @abalone123, welcome to the forums ❤️ I'm a peer worker here, it's nice to e-meet you.


I'm so sorry that you've suffered so much. Depression certainly isn't fair ❤️ I thought I'd tag a few of our community guides to share their story with you and kick-start the convo, if they feel up to it ❤️ 


@AussieRecharger @Judi9877 @Shaz51 @ShiningStar @MDT @wellwellwellnez 


Welcome again ❤️ 

Re: Depression

Thankyou still a little confused finding how to use sane forms🤔

Not applicable

Re: Depression

it can be tricky learning about a new platform @abalone123


here is a post on some tips and tricks ❤️ 


And one other tip, when replying to someone, type @ and then their name, and they will be notified!



Re: Depression

Hello @abalone123 , @Former-Member 😍


how are you going today 

Re: Depression

Hi @abalone123 


From personal experience the depression was a long time coming, I fought it for a few years then it just took over. I did feel horrible and I didn't know what to do at first. Sorry, but the medication was awful and I'm not sure if it helped or not. But when I bottomed out you sort of struggle on for a while then get used to it, and hopefully with some time you will start to feel yourself coming out of it. I guess the important thing is not to do anything rash, and to try and remember something positive about yourself or the world. Sometimes it might be one positive thought at a time to help you along.

Re: Depression

Welcome, @abalone123 ! I'm sorry you're suffering so much with depression. 😞 I can certainly relate. I've had MDD (major depression) on and off all my life. It's been severe often, with 3 suicide attempts when I was young (I'm 51 now). 


17 years ago I had a major nervous breakdown (=severe depression, where you can't function) lasting 3 years, which I spent in bed. I was intensely suicidal during that time. Since that ended 14 years ago, I haven't had severe depression. What changed for me? It was being referred to an excellent psychiatrist, who immediately changed my anti-depressant to something stronger, at a high dose. She also started talk therapy with me, which started the healing process for me regarding my childhood (actually lifelong) trauma and abuse. 


Also, this is a funny little thing but it really had an effect on me: at the end of those 3 years in bed, someone gave me a bottle of multi-vitamins. This gave me a little bit of energy, enough to start turning things around. 


I had to rebuild my life from scratch, as I'd lost 95% of my friends during the nervous breakdown and also my plans in life. I started volunteering, which gave me new friends and also a purpose, somewhere to go and feel needed. 


I still get some depression sometimes, but it's SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and there's no SI (suicidal ideation) or SH (self harm). It's a different kettle of fish altogether, and much more manageable. 


Do you have any professional support? Like a counsellor, meds, psychologist or psychiatrist?
An important forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply.
I hope you find the forums supportive...

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