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I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

 My son's moods are all over the pace. He's very emotional and  aggressive.

He's not coping with stress and pressure at school.

He refuses to talk about it or go see a doctor. What shall I do?


Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Hi Kaz, does he have a friend you could talk to or another member of your family he is close to? Or perhaps a teacher, or a coach in a sports club he's in?

Sometimes it's hardest to talk to someone we deeply love (our mums) about what's hurting us. There can be a fear that to name a problem might open a floodgate of emotions and we'll drown in it (speaking from personal experience).

He may react better to someone else who is not so close to him (I know this sounds counter-intuitive) but may work. Best of luck.

Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Oh Kaz, such a distressing time when our children are unwell! Yes, maybe a friend or a trusted teacher could have a chat with him. If he does agree to see a doctor, do you have a good GP that you can trust?

Another suggestion would be a Headspace. They have an atmosphere that is friendly and non threatening for young people, and very much about early identification and treatment, and referral if necessary.

We have used Headspace for our daughter. She felt comfortable with the service, and would recommend it.

Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Hi Kaz,

I found this on the Reach Out service for young people:

It outlines some things about bipolar disroder, and has numbers of people to call and discuss strategies with - to obtain help, including Headspace (tel.) 1800 650 890

Hope that might help. 


Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Hi Kaz - It is very difficult if the person themselves don't have any insight to the situation.  If he won't go and do anything it is beneficial for yourself to get some advise - talk with your GP - or link in with a mental health nurse at some clinics

Just remember - YOU can't fix it - You didn't cause it - You can support him but the only person you can change is yourself.  So get some support from other family members, friends, network with services.

Good luck

Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

I agree 3forme. Headspace provide a great service, for young people Headspace are great.

Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Hi Kaz. That can be very frustrating. You haven't mentioned the age of your Son but The Black Dog Institute has a diagnostic tool that can be a great first step in the privacy of his own time and place. But this tool must be used in conjunction with a medical practicioner for correct diagnosis.


Hope this can add to the great information that has already been posted.



Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

Hello, I think my son has bi polar too. He lives in Brisbane, he let me go over last week to visit him.
He is 23 years old and in the middle of something bad but refuses to take his medication .

So, firstly... After getting lots of advice and positive love from good friends....found out there wasn't much I could do. The feedback I received also may be able to help you.....

'It sounds like you are being a kind and respectful mother to someone who does not see his issues the way others do. Just to be there and he knows your there and you treat him with gentleness love and respect will strengthen him in many ways.

My son refuses to take his medication. So, unlike your son, he at least saw a doctor. So, being very aware of the pain, stress you are under....I feel that the most important thing for you is to.sit down and have a cup of tea, and remember that if he does....your life is going to get more tricky and you need your strength.

Are you able to call the police or ambulance if he does put you in a dangerous position ?
do you feel that you can reach out to Arafmi ? I don't know their number.
Please stay in touch with correct people.

Just to let you know when I was visiting my son in Brisbane I asked him if he wanted to get medication and he bought it but refuses to take it.
I then read somewhere not to ask him to take medication so I made sure he changed his sheets on his bed and played six days of backgammon.

I rang his doctor and the hospital and left my number.
I think the organisation called Partners In Recovery will come out. Don't know about that. I know I can call them because my son was in hospital last year. Last year was really bad because he had no family around him.

good luck
Take care,

Re: I think my son has Bipolar. But he won't see a doctor.

How are you Kaz?

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