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Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Holding you all up in prayer.

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

@Phoenix_Rising I think the reason they did not admit her is that she was able to convince them it was not serious and that she just wanted to zone out for a while and she just made a mistake.  And some how I was over reacting.

Well if she was in the state of mind to make a mistake like that without understanding or considering the consequences then that more reason to keep her safe in my mind as she was clearly not rational. So she snapped out of it ? (Maybe)  Wwasn't hats to say she will not snap back into it .  

I dont know what they would have done if I had demanded she be admitted and  refused to take her home but that would have done more damage good. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Thank you @Former-Member, that means a lot. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

have read back over your current situation @Determined

I understand how alarming it is to be with someone in emergency...waiting..waiting..only to be told being discharged....

why your wife changed her mind ...only she knows that answer...

I hope that you have an opportunity to discuss your concerns re how the whole episode panned out...with a professional and feel supported that way..

best news to hear mum is coming....we all so need our mums at times ..children so need grandmas or nanas and poppas if they have them...or a close friend..

a safety net for you to get through one day...

I still think that you are all doing so very well given everything that is going on and raising a young family..

I am so pleased to read that you do feel and appreciate the support that you have received from others on here....

I believe there is an appointment today and another later in the week...more one day at a time..

thank you also for your kind thoughts

take care

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Quick check in Bro

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Thank you @Former-Member @Former-Member

Today was a win win in some respects,

I was able to delegate to my mum to spend time with my darling so I could engage in some professional development at the uni. In the past I would have just cancelled that and stayed home.   That was really hard for me to do which is more about me needing to know my darling is ok than mum not being suitable. 

As it turns out they both enjoyed their time together and my darling appreciated the company despite not wanting to be 'babysat'. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Darling seems to be doing better today but still physically drained.

We had an appointment with her psychiatrist this afternoon which started out well I thought, he stepped her through her thoughts and emotions leading up to the event that saw us at the emergency department, but then it was just left hanging... no resolution no plan moving forward... I am left feeling lost and confused.

I find it hard to accept that it is not being acknowledged as a genuine attempt but simply a brain snap and poor choice. ... 

I unsure if I can say this ( @Former-Member ) but I suspect she thought it would be a peaceful solution....  the actual result scared her back to reality... 

I should have had questions written down for our appointment  as I am sooo tired and just cant think straight. I just don't know what to ask and some things I don't feel comfortable asking or stating in front of my darling. Certinally dont want to appear to question the docs judgment...  As it is I was constantly clarifying my intentions for what I was saying. 

I am not sleeping at the moment and can feel my grip on calmness slipping 😕

Sorry if that sounds like a rant, I dont want it to seem like a pity party, plenty of people having a real hard time at the moment, I just need to talk about my emotions so I dont fall apart myself.     See how I am feeling tomorow I may try and call one of the support lines, and my gp to see about sleep... I need to sleep. Her  solution last visit was for me to exercise more... which is fine but finding that difficult in the short term, if I can get some sleep I may be more capiblemof actually exercising 😴

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

My darling has mentioned she thought the doc was being judgmental, I thought he was far from it, very softly spoken, I think it was more she was uncomfortable with his line of questioning as it is hard to be bitter and blame everyone else (or even just life in general) when broken down in such a way.  

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

Hey @Determined
Hope you so get some much needed rest.

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care.

This was played in one of the sessions at the training day I was at today in the context of peer-peer support amongst university student's. I found it very relavent to my darling and I (more importantly me) and thought others may appreciate it. 

It's not about the nail 

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