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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Checking in

Hi all,


im just checking in after an intense therapy session emotionally. I’ve had a rough past two days with very strong feelings. Such a roller coaster from feeling calm over the weekend to feeling crazy with emotions. It didn’t really take much to open up emotionally and start sobbing once I got into my therapy session. I do hope that work pays off. I’m a little worried that it will make for a difficult weekend but we’ll see.


i have started some volunteer work on Sunday mornings to put myself in a different space. I hope I make it through this. 



Re: Checking in

Hey @Hyperballad ,


Thanks for the post! It's probably a good thing that therapy is moving things. It may not feel pleasant for the time, but it may be a good sign.


We are here if you need a chat about how you are feeling etc. 


As I've mentioned in the past, therapy for me was intense. Yet it did the work.


It's also good to monitor yourself so that IF it is too much, let them know. We wouldn't want it to exacerbate things.


Take care hun.

Re: Checking in

Thanks @tyme ☺️


Did you ever have doubts about the process or whether you could handle it? There’s a peer support group close to home that I might drop into this afternoon. It’s just an exhausting thing to unpack emotionally and intensely and then be left alone with all of these feelings. I had a friend come over last night and we watched a movie together.


im going to give the tips my therapist gave me to redirect my anger outwards and see how that goes. 


Re: Checking in

I certainly had doubts @Hyperballad . I wanted to quit so many times. Yet I also knew that it was my last chance. I'd tried so many other things and if I didn't continue with this to the end, then I'd probably not survive.


I really needed to make the decision whether I want to heal or not, then stick with it. And I did.


But yes, I wanted to quit many times.


I also have to say that my group therapy consisted of both group AND individual. So when there were big feelings in group, I could take it to my individual session and work through the emotions that way.

Re: Checking in

@tymeWell done - something you must feel really proud of. 

Re: Checking in

I'm not sure I'm necessarily 'proud', but it was sort of a life or death choice @Hyperballad 


By seeing it that way, it made me stick to it.


I'm not sure if what I've said here is helpful. Please note, I'm not saying you need to make a life or death choice... this was just my experience so that I'd stick to it. @Hyperballad 


Whatever your choice, we here to support you.

Re: Checking in

@tyme I’ve done therapy several times in my life. First in my 20s for three years and that didn’t go so wel for a bunch of reasons. Then another therapist soon after for 5 years, who was a good but I left because I get it had stuck. This is my latest round and I really want to give it my all as much as I can. This is the first time I’ve also looked at peer aupport and speaking with people who also have lived experience.

tonight was a culmination of a rough three days (but maybe also several weeks) taking myself to the ED of the nearby hospital because I did not feel safe at home alone. 

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